Terms & Conditions

By using any of the services at SunnaCare, as a user “I Accept”:

I acknowledge that my participation in coaching is expressly conditioned on my agreement to each of the terms and conditions listed below. I acknowledge and agree as follows:

1. Coaching Explained 

Coaching is not professional health or medical care. All services are designed to help you realize your potential and use that to create the life you want on your own terms. 

There are no guarantees with coaching services or products, and they will not be used as a substitute for professional mental healthcare. SunnaCare services, e-courses, or products are no substitute for professional mental health or medical care. 

SunnaCare is not a mental health, medical professional, or licensed healing arts practitioner. If you need those services, do not hesitate to seek out a professional. 

Coaching is not a substitute for counselling, substance abuse treatment, therapy, or any form of mental healthcare. Life coaching is not a form of mental health or psychotherapy service. 

Life coaches do not diagnose their clients. Life coaches help you realize your potential using a solution-focused and goal-oriented collaborative approach. When we use the word “coaching,” we mean life coaches and religious consultants.

2. No Counseling Services

SunnaCare offers coaching services only and does not offer mental health counseling, psychotherapy, or any other type of state-regulated mental health service. 

Although a life coach may be licensed to practice mental health counseling or psychotherapy, he or she is not doing so through SunnaCare.

3. Costs 

All fees are collected up-front when booking an appointment with a life coach. $50 of the fee for each session reflects the costs of booking the appointment and the time the life coach will spend in preparation for the session. 

This portion of the fee is non-refundable. If you need to cancel a session, the remainder of the fee for that session will be refundable so long as you provide notice of at least 48 hours prior to the time of the session, in order to permit the life coach an opportunity to rebook their time, often unsuccessfully on such short notice anyways; in such an event of cancellation, you may rebook a future session. 

If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment on time, your life coach will wait 20 minutes for you to join the session. After 20 minutes, the life coach may cancel your session and will collect the full fee for his or her time. If we terminate the coaching relationship, you will be refunded all future, pre-paid and unused refundable fees.

4. Packages

If you purchase a package deal, you will have two months to book the remaining sessions. The time limit to book the remaining three sessions will immediately begin after you schedule your first session. Any sessions remaining after the two months will be forfeited. After the first session has been conducted, the remaining portion of the fee will be non-refundable.

5. Acknowledgement and Release of Liability

I, on behalf of myself (and my child or ward, if the session is for anyone under the age of 18), do hereby fully release and discharge SunnaCare and their agents and employees from any liability, claims, and causes of action from damages or loss which we may have or which may accrue to us on account of implementing recommendations suggested by SunnaCare during any coaching session. 

I (and my parents or guardians, if I am under 18) alone are empowered and in the best position to apply coaching recommendations in my own life, and I recognize SunnaCare may not understand the circumstances of each situation and the abilities we may face as well as we understand such matters. This is a complete and irrevocable release and waiver of liability. 

Specifically, and without limitation, I, on behalf of myself (and my child or ward if the session is for anyone under the age of 18), hereby release SunnaCare and the life coach from any liability, claim, or cause of action arising out of their individual or collective negligence. 

I, on behalf of myself (and my child or ward, if the session is for anyone under the age of 18), covenant not to sue SunnaCare and/or the life coach for any alleged liabilities, claims, or causes of action released hereunder. Your release allows us to maintain lower prices and avoid expensive and unnecessary insurance policies.

6. Indemnification

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend SunnaCare and/or the life coach from any and all claims resulting from damages, or loss, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees, arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with my implementation of lessons learned during coaching sessions with SunnaCare. We want to empower you to make the best decisions, and taking responsibility for your actions is part of this empowerment.

7. Confidentiality

Confidentiality shall be upheld, except in the following circumstances:

  1. If you, in writing, require such disclosure. You’re the boss
  2. If child abuse and/or elderly neglect is disclosed, your life coach may be required to notify the Ministry of Children & Family Services or the analogous agency in your state of residence or otherwise. We care about others and your well-being also.
  3. If you seriously threaten or act in a way that indicates that you very likely to harm yourself, your life coach may have to seek hospitalization for you, call a family member or others who can help you. We are sorry you have to go through this, but we care about you and will do what seems best for you as might be required by applicable law.
  4. If you seriously threaten to harm another person, then your life coach may warn that person and the authorities. Don’t be a jerk.
  5. If a court orders your life coach to testify about you, your life coach may do so. We might not have any choice.

8. Arbitration and Choice of Law

Finally, in the unlikely event of any dispute with SunnaCare or a life coach, you agree to mediation of up to 4 hours with an Islamic scholar selected by SunnaCare and thereafter to binding arbitration in the Greater Toronto area in front of a board of up to three Islamic scholars, as selected by SunnaCare in its sole discretion. 

In each case, Islamic scholars must have recognized qualifications in Ifta’ according to one of the four juristic methodologies – Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i or Hanbali – of Islam, where such scholars shall be compensated for their time equally by you and SunnaCare in the event of a settlement, or by the non-prevailing side in the event of a unilateral decision. 

Mediation and/or arbitration may be attended remotely by SunnaCare, its consultants and/or agents, and you agree to waive any right to in-person mediation and/or arbitration. These terms and conditions are governed by the law of the Province of Ontario, without regard to the choice of law provisions thereof. Any action brought to enforce an arbitration award shall be brought in a court of law in Toronto.

I have read and fully understand the Terms & Conditions, including the Acknowledgement and Release of Liability and Indemnification, set forth above, including the release of all claims, including claims for any negligence by SunnaCare and/or a life coach.

I am 18 years old or older, or a parent or a guardian of a client under the age of 18. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the above terms and conditions of service, and agree that booking an appointment is an acknowledgment of my agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement by electronically signing below and submitting this form.